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Top 5 Ways to Prevent Substance Abuse

How to Prevent Substance Abuse While it’s practically impossible to prevent anyone and everyone from using illicit drugs, there are things we can all do to avoid drug and/or alcohol abuse. By sharing this knowledge with those... read more

Drugs in the Welfare System

There is much talk about restructuring our welfare system. In the past few decades there has been a general feeling that the welfare system is abused by many. This happens when people are given assistance with little expected of them in... read more

Native American Healing

Native Americans are known for their natural healing and their holistic remedies. One way some tribes have begun to heal their own who suffer from alcoholism is to use Peyote, which is deemed an illegal substance to the rest of the country.... read more

Moms in Rehab

We all mess up sometimes in life. Bad choices can often take us places we’d rather not be, and poor judgment calls can sometimes have lasting effects. Even drug and alcohol abuse and addiction can be caused by a single poor choice, but their effects can be... read more

Nicotine Addiction

We talk a lot about drugs and alcohol and their negative effects on the body. One substance that often gets overlooked, but is so common, is nicotine. In America, 24.8 million men (23.1 percent) and 21.1 million women (18.3 percent) smoke. There have... read more

Are Some People Proud to be Functioning Alcoholics?

Here’s something many of us might not have thought about before; some people are proud of their alcoholic status and their ability to balance it with the rest of their life. There might actually be more people with this... read more

Effects of Drug and Alcohol Abuse on Children

There are an estimated 463,000 children in the foster care system in our country. Sadly, these kids are shuffled from home to home because their parent can not properly care for them. Many of these kids are where they are... read more

Stealing Addiction

There are many addictions that people fall into that don’t involve drugs or alcohol. They are called process addictions because they usually are an addiction to an act or behavior. Process addictions are not as well known as drug addiction, and many... read more

Codependent Relationships

Many people laugh about being part of a slightly dysfunctional family. It makes for funny stories, and many books and movies are based on the antics of a dysfunctional family. Serious relationship problems, however, are nothing to laugh at.... read more

Runaway Kids

There are a number of teens that are in desperate need of help; teens who are alone and don’t have anyone to turn to; teens who may not admit that they need help; teens that are runaways. An estimated 2.8 million runaway teens live on the streets of our... read more