How to Find Local Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers Near Me?

Addiction is a disorder characterized by uncontrollable drug-taking in spite of negative consequences. Relapsing after periods of sobriety is also a part of addiction.1 At first, seeking drugs is voluntary, but over time it becomes a compulsive behavior.

Addiction, therefore, needs to be treated, but this path is not easy and it takes time and effort. Some of the treatment and therapy options for drug rehabilitation include: 2

Since the rehabilitation process is so complex, it is crucial to have numerous facilities with different options for each person. In the United States, there are around 15,000 specialized drug treatment facilities that provide different types of therapies, medication, support groups, and other types of services, meaning that you will certainly find a local rehab center near you.3

In the US, 22.5 million people aged 12 or older needed treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol use problem in 2014. Only 4.2 million received any substance use treatment in the same year. Of these, about 2.6 million people received treatment at specialty treatment programs.2

Unfortunately, the worst-case scenario is not uncommon. In 2016, drug overdoses killed over 63,000 people in America, while 88,000 died from excessive alcohol use, and tobacco-linked deaths count up to 480,000 per year.1 This is why it is important to seek help on time and search for alcohol and drug rehab programs near you.

local inpatient drug and alcohol rehab near me

Treatment Types at a Local Drug Rehab Program

Depending on the specific facility, treatment may vary, but usually includes the following:

  • Although there are various drug rehab programs, most of them start with detoxification. Detox is a process in which the body clears itself of drugs to prevent further damage. It’s done in controlled environments i.e. detox facilities because of common withdrawal symptoms that accompany it. In extreme cases, its consequences could be fatal, so detox is usually managed with prescribed medication. However, a detox program is not treatment on its own and is combined with further drug treatment.2,3
  • Tailored treatment plans are vital for a successful recovery. This implies an individual approach based on careful intake assessment. After an initial evaluation, a treatment program will be adjusted based on the needs and characteristics of the patients. It also must address the individual’s drug abuse and any associated problems, linked to health, job, or law, and be appropriate for the individual’s age, gender, ethnicity, and culture. Additionally, an individual’s treatment plan must be assessed and modified continually.4
  • Behavioral therapy and counseling are the most commonly used forms of drug abuse treatment. They include addressing a patient’s motivation to change, providing incentives for abstinence. They are often accompanied by prescribed medication.4
  • Support groups fall under the category of behavioral therapy as well and include sharing your experience with others, which helps maintain sobriety.4
  • Aftercare is just as important as formal drug rehab. It often includes 12-step programs (AA, CA, or NA), offering support on a social level, within a community, in order to help people achieve and maintain abstinence and a healthy lifestyle.3

What Does a Typical Day in a Local Inpatient Rehab Center Look Like?

Local Inpatient rehab facilities offer 24-hour care. They have a highly structured program and a list of allowed items to bring with a goal to direct the attention and efforts of inpatients to productive behaviors and help them socialize again. There are long-term local inpatient drug rehabs, which require lengths of stay from 6 to 12 months. These can be more challenging but offer a wider range of services. The short-term local rehab centers are a few weeks long and based on 12-step programs. Both, however, structure the day similarly:3

  • Breakfast.
  • Therapy sessions
  • Lunch.
  • Dinner.
  • Support groups.

How to Select a Local Alcohol and Drug Rehab Program near Me?

Choosing a local rehab center near you is an important decision to make because it largely affects your process of rehabilitation. Your local facility should meet your needs, starting from your budget. There are free rehab programs available, as well as private facilities that offer addiction help. Depending on your needs, you may also seek executive rehab options for high-profile professionals in a luxurious and comfortable treatment setting. Some people will decide to go into therapy with their partner. Additionally, employers may also look into rehab options for their employees. Either way, it’s important that the treatment program be appropriate to an individual’s unique circumstances: 4

  • Age: Local facilities near you should take your age into consideration since it affects the treatment. For instance, teens and adolescents face unique challenges and may have co-occurring mental disorders (e.g. from peer pressure). They may also be at risk of long-term brain damage, while older adults struggling with addiction may have completely different requirements.3
  • Gender: This refers to the biological, but also sociological factors that come into play. For example, physical and sexual trauma followed by PTSD is more common in drug-abusing women than in men seeking treatment. Also, a big factor for women is pregnancy and child care since prenatal drug use could result in baby defects. Even using around newborns will put them at risk of addiction and withdrawal. This might be a reason to choose a women’s rehab near you.3
  • Ethnicity and culture.

Additionally, the ASAM identifies six “assessment dimensions to be evaluated in making placement decisions”, emphasizing both the importance of the setting and the level of care:5

  • Acute intoxication and/or withdrawal potential.
  • Biomedical conditions and complications.
  • Emotional, behavioral, or cognitive conditions and complications.
  • Readiness to change.
  • Relapse, continued use, or continued problem potential.
  • Recovery/living environment.

It is also good to keep in mind the aftercare your local rehab provides. Participation in self-help group therapy is supported and advised by a great number of addiction treatment programs because sharing your experience with others can be beneficial for your recovery. Support groups can be attended during or after formal treatment. They are the social aspect of healing.3

Why Choose a local Inpatient Drug Rehab Program?

There are 2 main types of any rehab program – inpatient and outpatient care.3

  • The inpatient (short or long-term) programs offer around-the-clock care.
  • The outpatient rehab programs, on the other hand, don’t include residence at a facility. When intensive, their efficiency can be close to inpatient programs, but low-intensity programs do not have a lasting effect. Although it does cost less, outpatient care does not offer the help that the inpatient centers do.

This is one of many reasons why a local inpatient rehab near you might be the right option. Inpatient rehabs focus on including an individual back into the society and the program’s entire community helps during the treatment. Addiction is viewed in the context of an individual’s social and psychological problems. Treatment is focused on developing responsibility as well as socially productive lives. Additionally, programs are highly structured, which helps individuals get back a sense of routine, offering a long-term recovery.3,6

If it’s the cost that worries you, there are always state-funded rehabs that are free of charge or affordable. The service that you get in this setting is valuable because it is a controlled environment with everything aimed at your recovery. Anyone struggling can visit a local drug rehab center to get more information about available options.

Educating yourself can direct you in the right way because the data about unaddressed addictions is not optimistic. According to CDC, nearly 841,000 people have died since 1999 from a drug overdose, so it’s important to inform yourself if you or a loved one need help .7

How to Choose Between Local Rehab and Out-of-State Rehab Program?

Choosing the setting for your rehabilitation can be challenging. While it may be tempting to opt for a rehab center closest to you, there is also an option to travel to another state. Both options have pros and cons.

Local rehab center could be a great option because:8

  • Your friends and family could be part of the process.
  • It is less expensive.

However, a local rehab center might not be the best idea if:8

  • You have too many distractions at home.
  • Being close to home leads you to drop out early.

Out-of-state treatment takes you out of your usual environment as well as your comfort zone. Its advantages include:8

  • Less temptation to go back home.
  • Privacy and distance from your life at home.
  • Fewer triggers that could lead to relapse.

On the downside, it could be more expensive. It is important to weigh out the pros and cons of both, according to your own needs.8

How do I Prepare for a Local Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program?

First of all, you should keep in mind that recovery from drug addiction is a long-term process and frequently requires multiple episodes of treatment, meaning that you should be prepared to stay in rehab as long as you have to. You could also expect to get prescribed medication that would help you overcome addiction.3

Since rehab programs last at least around 3 months, it is advisable to take care of your family and work obligations prior to starting your rehab process. Keep in mind that family, friends, and colleagues can also be a helpful part of your recovery.3

As mentioned, there are different kinds of rehab programs, from more expensive ones to those that are free. So make sure to consider the financial aspect too and check what your insurance covers. If you happen to have any legal loose ends, they should be dealt with before you enter rehab, too. And to prepare yourself, you can always explore other people’s experiences with addiction and treatment.

How to Find a Local Rehab Center near Me?

Above all, the first step is to seek professional help or recognize if your loved one needs this kind of support. You can call a local rehab facility to discuss your insurance coverage and costs. For instance, some providers such as American Addiction Centers can verify your insurance coverage for you.

American Addiction Centers is a trusted care provider with specialized facilities for drug and alcohol treatment. Their admissions team is here to make this process easier and help you learn more about treatment and the admission process. They can check your benefits while you’re on a phone with one of the admissions navigators. This way, you will know immediately all your options. ACC also offers National Fire Services Member Assistance Program with a free hotline. So, feel free to reach out at any time.


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