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Top 5 Ways to Prevent Substance Abuse

How to Prevent Substance Abuse While it’s practically impossible to prevent anyone and everyone from using illicit drugs, there are things we can all do to avoid drug and/or alcohol abuse. By sharing this knowledge with those... read more

Enforcing Tough Love

Sometimes people feel like they’ve done all they can to help a loved one get sober. There comes a time when family and friends need to step back and let the person with an addiction stumble on, in the hopes that they come to realize that they are going nowhere as they are. Call it […]

Sizzurp Abuse

Lil Wayne has come forward this week with a video confession about abusing the substance Sizzurp. This rapper, like so many other young people, was influenced by the entertainment industry to first use the substance because it was cool. This concoction,... read more

Can Harm Reduction and the Disease Model of Addiction Coexist?

We hope you enjoy this article from one of our guest writers, Gerald “Jerry”  Shulman. Treatment Solutions is honored to have Jerry contributing to our blog. Jerry is a pioneer in the field of substance use... read more

Adolescent Drug Abuse

When young people start doing drugs or drinking alcohol, they begin going down a path that leads to some very undesirable consequences. They run the risk of living a life of addiction, getting involved with crime, and ending up in poverty, just to... read more

Sad Statistics of Drug Abuse

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released data that show that drugs now kill more Americans than motor vehicle accidents. On the one hand, the rate of traffic deaths has decreased, thanks to improved road safety.... read more

The Miracle of Recovery

Recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction is a unique experience for each person. Some people find that it is exactly as it should be and they make it through rehab with few problems. Others have to fight and claw their way through it at every... read more

The Consequences of Toxic Relationships

There comes a point in each of our lives when we need to take a step back and really evaluate things. We need to look at our priorities, our activities, and our relationships. This may especially be true if we are struggling with... read more

Porn Addiction

An unfortunate problem that is affecting many people and relationships is porn addiction. This disease can be as hard to get over as drug addiction, but it is also a problem that is kept more secretive than drug addiction. An Increasing Problem Porn... read more

Four Ways to Keep Your Kids Off Drugs

Parents across the country are always looking for ways to keep their kids off drugs. It’s important for parents to keep vigilant in this matter.  Parents have a great deal of influence on their teen children, so it is their... read more