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Cigna Illinois Insurance Coverage for Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers Near Me

Yes. Cigna Illinois covers drug and alcohol rehab. strives to provide you with the most updated information on each carrier's addiction insurance coverage, but policy changes and errors do occur. Please check with your insurance carrier directly to confirm coverage levels.
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Cigna Illinois: Rehab & Detox Centers in IL That Take Cigna Insurance

Located in the Midwest and right along the Mississippi river, Illinois has a long history as an important area for farming—the state ranks third in the nation for total prime farmland.1, p. 4, Geography Idyllic country landscapes are only part of the picture. There are also large cities—Chicago is home to over 2.6 million people—and an overall state population of over 12.8 million.1, p. 1, Under “General”

Unfortunately, as is true in much of the country, many Illinois residents struggle with substance use. In 2020, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found that 15.9% of Illinois residents over age 12 admitted to using marijuana in the last year, and 6% struggled with alcohol use disorder in the past year.2, p. 25 and 31, second paragraph on each

If you’re ready to break free from substance use, you’ll need the right treatment. This guide will help you understand how to access the care you need.

Does Cigna of Illinois insurance cover Inpatient Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers?

Many people who want to attend rehab and break free from substance use struggle because they aren’t sure how to pay for treatment. The good news is that if you have Cigna of Illinois insurance, your coverage can help pay some or all of the cost of rehab.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires all long-term health insurance plans to cover 10 essential health benefits, including mental health and substance use treatment.3, fifth bullet That means you can rely on your Cigna of Illinois coverage to pay at least some of the cost of rehab.

Each plan will have different requirements and limits, so make sure you find out the details before you commit to treatment. You can call the phone number on the back of your insurance card or reach out to American Addiction Centers (AAC) anytime. We can review your insurance in just a few minutes as we chat with you, and you can reach us by phone, online chat, or by filling out the form below.

What is Cigna of Illinois?

Cigna is a health services provider that spans the globe, serving 190 million patients and customers in more than 30 countries and jurisdictions.4, first paragraph The company is dedicated to delivering high-quality affordable healthcare.4, top of page

Cigna focuses on working in close partnership with employees, providers, clients, customers, and the communities they serve.4, second paragraph A global workforce of over 70,000 help provide the right services at the right time to address the health needs of their customers.4, second and third paragraph

What Substance Addiction Does Cigna IL Rehab Treatment Centers Cover?

Many people struggle with substance misuse, but the good news is that with treatment, you can recover. Some of the most commonly misused drugs include crystal meth, cocaine, heroin, alcohol, prescription drugs, marijuana, and opioids.5, table

Whether these are the substances you use, or you have other addiction issues, the right care can help you break free and live the life you dream of.

How Much Does Cigna of Illinois Cover (Addiction Treatment)?

There’s no treatment plan that works for everyone, so you’ll want to work closely with your doctor to find the care that will help you live a life of freedom from addiction. Be honest with your doctor so you can get the right plan for your needs.

Some of the most common treatment options are:6

  • Inpatient/residential rehab. Inpatient treatment is one way to start a journey toward recovery from substance use. It involves 24-hour care in a clinic setting, with medical and emotional support to help individuals break free from addiction. During their stay, you’ll receive a combination of group and individual therapy sessions, which are tailored to each person’s unique needs.
  • Outpatient rehab/therapy. Outpatient treatment provides flexibility, allowing clients to attend sessions during convenient times such as evenings or early mornings, while still being able to maintain their work and school commitments. During outpatient treatment sessions, you’ll participate in activities such as substance abuse education, group and individual counseling, relapse prevention strategies, stress management techniques, communication skill development, and goal setting.
  • Intensive outpatient programs (IOP). IOP is a structured treatment program for those looking to address their substance use without having to live in a treatment center. IOP consists of at least 3 hours of therapy per day, several days per week, with counseling, educational programs, and medication management depending on the needs of the individual.
  • Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs). PHPs provide daylong treatment for individuals who do not require round-the-clock supervision, but can benefit from a highly structured environment. These programs offer a wide range of services, including one-on-one therapy, group therapy, family meetings, and medical services.

No matter what programs your treatment program includes, it’s essential to see your treatment plan through to the very end. It’s common to want to stop treatment when you feel better, but it’s only by practicing new habits in safe environments for a longer period of time that you’ll have the best chance for long-term recovery.

Does Cigna of Illinois Insurance Cover Mental Health Care Treatment Facilities?

Having a mental health diagnosis with a substance use problem can make you feel embarrassed and alone, but the truth is it’s more common than you might think. In fact, 50% of those who battle substance use also have a mental health diagnosis, which is known as a co-occurring disorder.7, second paragraph

The key to successfully treating a situation with co-occurring disorders is to treat both the substance use and the mental health issue at the same time. That kind of integrated treatment gives you a far better chance of recovery than treating only one issue or the other.8, first paragraph

Is there Cigna mental health coverage that will help you pay for the cost of treatment for your diagnosis? There is — the ACA includes both mental health and substance use treatment in the required essential health benefits.3, fifth bullet

How Long Does Cigna of Illinois Insurance Cover Inpatient Alcohol and Drug Rehab program?

How long is rehab? Everyone wants to know, but the answer depends on your needs. Studies show that most people need at least 90 days to make a significant change in substance use, including quitting, so many programs are at least three months long.9, fifth point

Your entire treatment plan might be longer, though, and may include both inpatient treatment and outpatient follow-up or other care. What’s most important is that you follow through completely with each step of your individual recovery process.

Each of the Cigna of Illinois drug rehab coverage plans may have different requirements or limits on coverage, so it’s important to know the details of your plan before you commit to a treatment program. You can call Cigna directly or contact AAC at any time of day or night, by phone, online chat, or by filling out the form below. Our admissions navigators can verify your insurance quickly while talking to you and can answer your questions about rehab as well.

We want to help you connect to the care you need to live a life of freedom from substance use.

What if my Cigna of Illinois policy does not cover an Inpatient drug rehab program?

Once you review your insurance plan, you might find that your coverage pays only part of the cost of treatment, and you need to pay the rest. Or, you might find that the treatment center you were most interested in isn’t covered by your Cigna of Illinois health and rehab plan, and you have to pay the full cost yourself.

Don’t let these financial setbacks keep you from getting the treatment you need. There are many ways to pay for rehab, and your insurance is only part of the picture. For instance, some treatment centers allow you to set up a payment plan for your portion of the cost, and some rehabs have scholarships that help you pay for care.

You can also borrow money from family and friends. The primary point is to get the treatment you need as soon as possible—substance use has long-term legal and health consequences, and it’s important to act before it’s too late.

Cigna of Illinois In Network vs. Out of Network Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers

While looking at different treatment programs, you’ll notice that some are listed as “in-network” with Cigna of Illinois, while others are “out-of-network.”

Every insurance plan has a group of doctors and medical centers that agree to treat plan members for a lower price, in return for referrals.10, p.1 What is a provider network This group is known as the plan’s network.10, p.1 What is a provider network

When you get care from the in-network providers, you maximize your insurance coverage and pay less out-of-pocket.10, p.2, Why do some plans cover benefits… However, if you choose a treatment center that’s not an in-network Cigna of Illinois treatment center, you may have no coverage at all and have to pay for everything yourself.10, p.2, Why do some plans cover benefits…

If you can, it makes the most sense to use one of the in-network Cigna of Illinois rehabilitation centers. You’ll make the most of your insurance and pay less yourself. However, if that’s not possible, don’t panic. As we mentioned earlier, there are many ways to pay for rehab.

What’s most important is that you get the care you need. You deserve to live a life free of substance use so that you can set goals and achieve your dreams. Getting treatment is the first step on that journey.

How to find Cigna of Illinois covered Inpatient drug treatment centers in IL?

How do you find out if a treatment center is part of your insurance coverage? You can call the insurer directly, or you can reach out to AAC. We’re here for you 24/7 and our Admissions Navigators can verify your insurance quickly and easily.

We want to help you live the life of your dreams, free from substance use. Take the first step by contacting us today.

Cigna Approved Rehab Centers 

American Addiction Centers (AAC) has various rehab facilities around the country that provide drug and alcohol addiction treatment. If you have a Cigna insurance plan, the following AAC facilities accept Cigna for drug and alcohol addiction rehab.

  • AdCare Rhode Island: With various facilities located in Rhode Island, AdCare provides innovative, quality, and cost-efficient addiction treatment. Its integrated system of care offers an inpatient treatment center in North Kingstown and a network of outpatient offices throughout Rhode Island. AdCare’s continuum of care includes detox services, residential treatment dual-diagnosis treatment, intensive outpatient services, inpatient and outpatient services, and tele-health.
  • Sunrise House Treatment Center: Located in Lafayette Township, New Jersey, Sunrise House provides treatment for people suffering from substance abuse from a medical and holistic standpoint. With various evidence-based therapeutic interventions, personalized care is provided through detox, residential treatment, dual-diagnosis treatment, and outpatient services.

There are various treatment programs for individuals struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, so don’t give up if the first program you check out doesn’t meet your individual needs. There are rehabs near me that can provide the treatment you need. Check out the directory to find a list of facilities and programs. You can search by location and filter by Cigna insurance.


  1. Illinois Department of Natural Resources. (n.d.). Illinois facts.
  2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2020). Behavioral health barometer, Illinois.
  3. (n.d.). What Marketplace health insurance plans cover.
  4. Cigna.(2023). Company profile.
  5. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2020, August 20). Commonly used drugs.
  6. (2019, October). Treatment options.
  7. National Institute of Mental Health. (n.d.). Substance use and co-occurring mental disorders.
  8. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2020, April). What are the treatments for comorbid substance use disorder and mental health conditions?
  9. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018, January). Principles of effective treatment.
  10. (2021, May). What you should know about provider networks.
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